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  大学英 语四级千变万化,但总会围绕一些固定知识点!外语教育网整理大学英语四级常考句 型,大家快来学习啦! 那么下面我们一起来看看,以下是小编给大家整理的英语四级顺利过关常考句型(8),希望可以帮到大家

  31. keep sb. doing 让某人一直做某事。

  (1) 很抱歉让你等这么长时间。

  i‘m sorry to keep you waiting for such a long time.

  (2) .你做好坚持锻炼身体。

  you had better keep exercising.

  (3) 他的父母告诉他坚持弹钢琴。

  his parents tell him to keep playing the piano.

  (4) 坚持锻炼对我们很重要

  it‘s important to keep exercising.

  (5) 坚持听英语磁带可以帮助我们提高听力

  keeping listening to english tapes can help us improve our listening.

  32. keep sth.+形容词 让…一直保持…/ make sth.+形容词 使……怎么样

  (1) 在考试中保持冷静很重要

  it‘s important to keep calm in the exam.

  (2) 每天做运动可保持身体健康。

  doing exercise every day can keep us healthy.

  (3) 请保持阅览室整洁。

  please keep the classroom clean.

  (4) 请你把门敞开着好吗?

  could you please keep the door open?

  (5) 这本书使学英语简单了。

  this book makes it easy to learn english.

  (6) 音乐可以使我们很放松。

  music can make us relaxed.

  (7) 他送了一件礼物给妈妈。这使他的妈妈很高兴。

  he sent his mother a gift. this made his mother very happy.

  (8) 这可以让老师和学生都很高兴

  this can make both the teacher and the students happy.

  33. look forward to (doing) sth.盼望(做)某事。

  (1) 我期待收到你的来信。

  i‘m looking forward to hearing from you.

  i‘m looking forward to your letter.

  (2) 我们期待你的帮助。

  i‘m looking forward to your help.

  (3) 那个小女孩正盼望一件生日礼物呢。

  the little girl is looking forward to a birthday gift.

  (4) 我盼望着去海南旅游。

  i‘m looking forward to visiting hainan.

  (5) 我盼望去香港。

  i‘m looking forward to going to hong kong.

  34. make/let sb. (not) do sth. 使、让某人(不)做某事。

  (1) 谁把你弄哭啦?

  who makes you cry?

  (2) 让我们去游泳吧。

  let‘s go swimming.

  (3) 让我们去公园吧。

  let‘s go to the park.

  (4) 妈妈让我尽快把屋子整理干净

  my mother made me clean the room as soon as possible.

  (5) 为了学好英语,老师总是让我们早晨大声朗读。

  in order to study english well, the teacher always makes us read aloud in the morning



