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  雅思口语考试Part 1中,会进行两三个简单对话。考官们会变化两三次话题,并且这几个对话的主题互不相干,可能出现的话题更是数不胜数...如何让自己的回答丰富起来呢?

雅思口语part1示范 如何让回答丰富起来?


  熟悉吗?没错,这就是生活中朋友间会谈论的话题。可是!在正式考试时,你的回答万万不可走高冷范儿,蹦出一两个单词不能够为考官提供足够的“语言证据”来说服他们愉快地给你打高分呦。不要忘记,拓展你的回答,Do it in the IELTS way!


  总的来说,这部分的问题回答长度在2-3个句子为最佳。除了点头YES 摇头NO的答案之外,可通过下面方法让你的回答丰富起来:

  1. 通过举例的方式进一步解释回答,说明理由, 比如:

  Q: do you think that we spend too much time with computers?


  A: Well, I suppose we do, because computers play an essential part in our daily lives. And I think it is ok as long as we make sure we can get enough exercise everyday as well.


  2.讲述故事,可以是个人经历,有趣的事等, 比如:

  Q:when did you watch your first movie in a cinema?


  A: I can’t really remember,it was so long ago. But I do remember very clearly going to see the Saw. It was my first time watching a horror movie. And I was so scared that my mum had to take me out of the movie.


  3. 针对问题表达个人观点, 比如:

  Q: do you like shopping for clothes?


  A: oh yes, I LOVE it! It’s my favorite free activity which makes me really happy especially when I finally get what I want after long expectation. Sometimes, I think I spend far too much money, though, and I ‘d spend more if I had it.


  雅思口语Part1新题预测及范文示例:学习效率 efficiency


  学习效率 efficiency


  1. Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the evening?

  Well, personally, I like study in the morning because a whole night sleep really refreshes me. In the morning, I prefer to handle some difficult problems because I'm so efficient.

  1. 你喜欢早上学习还是晚上学习?


  2. Why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning?

  Well, I'm not sure because you know, I feel energetic in the morning. I guess maybe some people couldn't sleep well at night, which makes them feel tired. So they are inefficient in the morning.

  2. 为什么有些人早上很难集中注意力?


  3. What do you do to improve your efficiency?

  First, I'll guarantee a goodsleep. I drink a glass of warm milk almost every day before I go to bed. And, I have healthy diets. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables everyday. I think both of them help me improve my efficiency.



  雅思口语Part1新题预测及范文示例:独处 alone


  独处 alone


  1.When was the last time you were alone?.

  Last Saturday, I was supposed to go out with one of my t friends, but she felt sick, so I just stayed at home and watched a film for a couple of hours. Then I cleaned my room coz it was untidy.



  2.What do you like to do when you are alone?

  I'd spend time on my hobbies, in particular gardening:and cooking, or I just laze around the house. Sometimes I'll go to karaoke and practice singing all the songs I like. I can only do this alone coz I'm not a good singer, I can't sing in front of a bunch of people. So I often go to karaoke alone.



  3.Do you wish to have more time alone?

  No, I like being with my friends and family. I usually go out with my friends for shopping at the weekends. And we'll chat in a cafe after we buy a bunch of products. We often get home verylate and it takes me most of Sunday to recuperate. But I never miss a home-cooked dinner at my mother's every Sunday.



  4.Is it important to have some time alone?

  Yeah, absolutely. Some people may need much timié alone, doing some thinking, about their lives or careers. As for me, I'm not that kind of person, I mean, I do need some time alone, you know, spending time on my hobbies. But, I don't need much ime to be alone. I prefer to be with friends and family.



  雅思口语Part1新题预测及范文示例:烹饪 cooking


  烹饪 cooking


  1. Do you like cooking?

  Yes, but I'm not anexpert. I can cook simpleChinese dishes liketomato or cucumbersoup, tofu and potatoslices. However, most of my friends who tried my cooking said they didn't want to try again.

  1. 你喜欢烹饪吗?


  2. When did you start cooking?

  About two years ago. Cooking is a basic survival skill. If one can cook well, he could balance the nutrition and calories intake, and it's also essential to enhance the life quality. But if one can't cook, he might have to eat out or have much take-away food.

  2. 你什么时候开始做饭的?


  3. Who usually cook in your family?

  That would be my mom and my grandma. They can make various kinds of delicious food.Even if you give them only a bag of potatoes, they can make several different dishes. Sometimes, my father would try to cook but, they are not good.



  4. Do you think cooking programs are popular in China?

  Yes, many people would like to be a cook, which is a good profession in China. Others who just want to improve their cooking skills would take cooking programs as well. Personally speaking, I don't think it's a bad phenomenon, but choosing a good program is important.

  4. 你认为烹饪节目在中国受欢迎吗?



